The Kickstarter Project

The Wellington Chocolate Voyage was successfully backed by Kickstarter. Check out our Kickstarter page here, and have a read below for some information about the project. 

Can you imagine the most beautiful tropical paradise on earth? 

sunset 2       jumping off wharf

And the most mouthwatering, delicious chocolate you’ve ever tasted?

WCF bars    beans in sack

The Wellington Chocolate Voyage is a Kickstarter project to bring these things together and help change people’s lives.

We – the team – are Gabe Davidson & Rochelle Harrison, co-founders of the Wellington Chocolate Factory, and international development worker Sera Price.

We want to support high-quality cocoa production in Bougainville, a South Pacific region devastated by civil war. Then we want to use that cocoa to make a uniquely delectable artisan chocolate bar to share with the world.  We see this as part of a new revolution in chocolate, and we want you with us on the adventure as part of our Kickstarter campaign.

Want to help us right now? Go to our Kickstarter page to become a backer, follow us on Facebook, and help spread the word!

The Wellington Chocolate Voyage Kickstarter campaign will:

  • Upgrade a South Pacific cocoa plantation – a farming community in Bougainville will be able to improve their production facilities and grow a high-quality crop of unique varietal cocoa
  • Buy a tonne of beans – literally. The Wellington Chocolate Factory will purchase 1 tonne of the resulting bean crop at a fair, premium price
  • Sail the sparkling seas – in the tradition of legendary ocean voyages and historical trade routes, we will transport the beans from Bougainville to Wellington harbour via sailing ship!
  • Make amazing chocolate  – once the beans arrive, we will use our master chocolate-making skills to produce the ‘Bougainville Bar’, a highest quality artisan treat with a unique flavour. Everybody – Kickstarter backers at the appropriate tiers and our Bougainville partners – gets one.

Why be part of this? 

For us, the Wellington Chocolate Voyage combines everything we’re passionate about: making great food, supporting ethical development and trade, connecting with people across the globe, and going on an adventure. We see this as part of the new revolution in artisan chocolate, where mega-industrialised production takes a back seat to skill, care, and people. By backing the project you will be part of:

  • Supporting Bougainville – recovering from a 10 year civil war, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea is trying to develop its own economy and future. James Rutana, a legend in the local cocoa industry, wants to rebuild and we want to help him
  • Making great food – the Wellington Chocolate Factory is a values driven company who make highest quality bean-to-bar chocolate (and you’ll get your very own bar to try or share or hoard)
  • Nurturing unique cocoa varieties – the partnership model we’re trying encourages farmers to grow highest quality crops and earn a premium price for their effort
  • Doing it by sailboat! – Sailboats are fun and romantic in all the right ways. Imagine being in Wellington Harbour as the first sail-driven shipment of cocoa beans in over fifty years arrives. If you’re super-keen, imagine coming on the boat with us!

The Wellington Chocolate Voyage was successfully backed via Kickstarter in December 2014. Since then the team has been beavering away with planning and logistics to do all of the above. We have more great surprises, fascinating people and stories to share and learn from. Please keep watching and sharing our blogs, feeding in your comments and suggestions as this is really happening and we would love you to be a part of it.


– Sera, Gabe, and Rochelle

Rochelle and Gabe co-owners WCF

Rochelle and Gabe, co-founders of the Wellington Chocolate Factory

sera and raymond

Sera Price (on the right) with Raymond from Bougainville

James Rutana, local cocoa legend; Gabe Davidson, bean to bar guru; Gary, Bougainvillean-Kiwi and James’s mate and cocoa partner

19 thoughts on “The Kickstarter Project

  1. Pingback: Bougainville – Fact finding mission, June 2014 | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  2. Pingback: The future of chocolate and flavour | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  3. Pingback: What are we trying to achieve through the Wellington Chocolate Voyage? | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  4. Pingback: Listen Up! | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  5. Pingback: What is Bean-to-Bar? | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  6. Pingback: The Bean side of the Bar | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  7. Pingback: What is shared value? | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  8. Pingback: James Rutana, the Cocoa Legend | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  9. Pingback: WCF meets Bougainville – via Sera | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  10. Pingback: A bit about the Wellington Chocolate Factory | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  11. Pingback: Bougain-where?! | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  12. Pingback: Shared value: it’s what the cool kids do | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  13. Pingback: Posters! | The Wellington Chocolate Voyage

  14. This is a really cool project, but to take it even further why not make the chocolate in Bougainville. Raw product is always being taken from developing countries, and then sold offshore. What places really need is these raw materials to stay in the country, be refined, made into whatever it is, and then sold


  15. To build a chocolate factory in Bougainville there are certain things to be consider;
    1. Quality of cocoa beings
    2.And need quantity.
    Under the reason one there are many things we Bougainvilleans need to work hard on them. Local farmers need training, fermentries need up grading to eradicate smoky beings. So there are so many areas need to put in place before building a Bougainville Chocolate factory.


    • Hi Phil, your responds to Ruth’s comment is very interesting. My Name is Ruthy and I am a Business Adviser with Market Development Facility. MDF is a multi country private sector development programme with a PNG office based in Port Moresby. We work with existing businesses that sees potential for growth but may have certain constrains that stops them from perusing further. Would it be possible for us to get in touch with you or anyone in this regard. Looking forward to hear from you. My Contact no: 675 70771472. Best Regards


  16. Pingback: Lux 2017 – The Worm Farmers Daughter

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